October 19, 2023 Transactions Overview

Split Transactions In Money Management

Some transactions encompass multiple categories in a single purchase. This is particularly common at big box stores like Costco or Walmart where you might buy groceries, home supplies, and a DVD all in one purchase. You can split a transaction between as many categories as needed to accurately account for your spending. 

To split a transaction: 

  1. Click on the transaction to open the “Transaction Details” window.
  2. Click the “•••” button on the top right to view additional options.
  3. Click on “Split.”
  4. Enter the amount, category, tags, and flags for each line of the split.
  5. Click “Save” to confirm your changes.

To delete a split: 

  1. Click on any line of the split transaction to open the “Transaction Details”window.
  2. Click on the trashcan icon to reunite all splits into a single transaction.
  3. Click “Delete” to confirm.