June 04, 2024 Personal Account Services

How to Use Card Management

What is Card Management?

Card Management puts you in complete control of your WeStreet credit, debit, or ATM card(s) with access 24/7 to temporarily deactivate a misplaced cardorder a replacement for a lost or stolen card, or cancel an unwanted card completely.

How to Use Card Management

Call the Care Center

Contact our Care Center via phone or secure email to request your card be locked, unlocked, cancel a card, or order a new card.

  • 918-610-0200

Send a Secure Email

  • Login to Online or Mobile Banking
  • Navigate to Secure Email
  • Send a message to our Care Center staff

Report Stolen

If your card is lost or stolen and you need to turn it off immediately 24/7/365, please call (888) 263-3370 for Debit Cards or (866) 820-3887 for Credit Cards.

Frequently Asked Questions about Card Management

What is the difference between temporarily deactivating a card and cancelling it?

If you misplaced a card but expect that you will find it again soon, you can temporarily deactivate your card. Temporary deactivation protects you because it ensure that the card will not work until it is reactivated. This will give you time to find the card without worrying that it has been stolen or misused. Once you find the card, contact us to reactivate it. If you do not find the card, please give us a call to order a replacement card.

What happens when I order a replacement credit or debit card?

When you order a replacement card, within 7-10 business days you will receive a letter containing your new card. The letter will look very plain, so it’s a good idea to pay extra attention to your mail while waiting for your new card to arrive.

For Debit Card Set-Up: Call (855) 726.4885 to activate it and set up your new PIN.

For Credit Card Set-Up: Call 800-631-3197 to activate the card. Be sure to look out for the preset PIN number mailed to you in a plain envelope.

What happens to my card’s PIN if I order a replacement card?

If you’ve ordered a replacement debit card, the PIN will be set to a new number temporarily. This new PIN will not be mailed to you. Instead, you can set up your PIN by calling (855) 726.4885. Follow the voice instructions to complete these steps. You may change your PIN back to match the old PIN if you wish. Also, there’s an option to do this through the Member CARE Center, call (918) 610.0200 or Toll-free call (800) 256.5626 and a Member CARE representative will assist in updating the PIN for you.

Once you’ve received your card, you can then call 888-886-0083 to activate your new card and set up a PIN.